
Permaculture Presidential Platform

The Permaculture Presidential Platform (PPP) will makes its debut at INPC 2017. The PPP will be a co-created platform of policies for a presidential candidate. A set of ecological and social policies to achieve the three permaculture principles of Care of Earth, Care of People and Fair Share.  Hundreds (and eventually thousands) of people can add to this PPP. It will cover all facets of government and society.  


Hey permaculture musicians,

John Erdman, local musician and long-time friend is soliciting local and Missoula area musicians to come play at the INPC and he reports that he has a lot of maybes and a few yeses.  So, we can be assured that music will be part of the scene at INPC.  This will include music at the outdoor venue of the Barber Shop Beer Parlor and music at the Towanda firepit. 


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