2023 Design Course Details

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In addition to the people below, who will be present the entirety of the course, we will be enjoying a variety of guest instructors, neighbors and families joining us at different points in the course. Prepare for a dynamic and vibrant community atmosphere.

Gabe/Fungilion - Farmer, Coordinator and Uhuru Groundskeeper, Reggae Artist, Family man, father of 2
Gabe has helped organize and teach at several PDCs with the INPG. He’s passionate about permaculture, mushrooms, homesteading, sharing information and interconnecting with other people.

Jason - Lead curriculum developer, Instructor
Jason holds several international design certifications including from the Permaculture Research Institute of Australia. He brings over a decade of experience as an educator on a variety of subjects, and will be providing detailed explanations for many of the topics listed in the core curriculum.

Truk - Head chef, Family man
Truk is passionate about food and has cooked in restaurants, kitchens and wild places all over the world. His food is equally nutritious as it is delicious.

Conscious Course

Guest Instructor Bios:

Gloria - Permaculture Designer, Teacher, Sustainability Consultant Sustainable Obtainable Solutions, TerraFlora Permaculture Learning Center Home of Sylvanculture
Colville, WA
Chrys - Food and Ag Activist, Farmer/Market Gardener/Seed Saver, Certified Permaculture Designer
Bezaleel Israel Eco-Village
Jessica -  Herbalist, Spokane Herbal Guild, Permaculturist, Family woman, mother of 3
Tumtum, WA
Leonie - Permaculture Designer, INPG Board member for 3 years, Family woman, mother of 3
BZ - Farmer/Market Gardener/Seed Saver, Jack of all Trades, Permaculturist
Bezaleel Israel Eco-Village

More presenters will be added.


- Complete Permaculture Design Course Curriculum Classes
- A safe, rejuvenating place to camp and 3x excellent quality meals/day the whole course - Comprehensive information to study beyond what we have time for in the courseWhat is expected of students:
- To bring their experience, perspective, and participation
- To state learning objectives, intentions
- To ask questions during the whole course
- To provide course lesson review for the class
- To present a plant/animal/fungus/eukaryote species of interest report

(Starting 2nd half of course)

- To work alone or with a design team on a Final Design Exercise
(8x or more times beginning 1/3 - 1/2 through the course)

- To give a presentation to everyone in the course about their
master plan for a complete mainframe design, on a site of their choice

- Talent night participation (last day of course)

If the students deliver on all of this, they will at the end of the course be eligible to receive their diploma credentials establishing their status as certified permaculture designers. There are no grades or performance requirements for any of these beyond their completion. However, the instructors are obligated to point out any type 1 errors.

- To local wild ecosystems

- Early succession to old growth

- Walkabouts, encountering vascular plants, bryophytes, fungi

- Observation exercises

- Field trips to local logging operations, wetlands, examples of ecosystem management activities administered by federal, state, private agencies

- Field trips to permie agroforestry operations and farms

Details and dates of specific field trips
will be announced to students closer to course dates

- Composting

- Gardening hands-on a local site, orcharding

- Tree cutting, slash processing, making biochar

- Applying amendments, mulching, sheet mulching

- Mini-ponds, other water system

- Plant propagation, grafting, hardwood cuttings, divisions, seeds etc

- Seedballs, broadcasters, planters

- Wildcrafting fruits, seeds, nuts, berries, roots, lichens, mushrooms, foliage, NTFPs

- Making tinctures, infusions, decoctions, drying herbs

- Raised beds, double-dug beds, square foot gardening, hugelkulture

- Straw bale, plasters, fibercrete or straw/light clay. Cobbing

- Surveying with and constructing A-frames, using a laser level

- Flying drone missions, operating a microscope

- Earthworking with hands and possibly machines

& more!


7:00 - 8:00 am - Informal Breakfast

8:00 - 8:30 am - Check in, previous day lesson review, announcements

8:30 - 10:00 am - Morning session I

- Morning Break -

10:30 - 12:00 - Morning session II

12:00 - 1:00 pm - Lunch Break

1:00 - 2:30 pm - Afternoon session I



- Afternoon Break - 3:00 - 4:30 pm - Afternoon session II

4:30 - 5:00 pm - Design teams group meeting, cool down from coursework



5:00 - 7:00 pm - Dinner period

7:00 - 8:30 pm - Optional evening session, design session